Transit is our official app!
Transit is our official app for trip planning and real-time bus arrival information! We've also partnered with Swiftly to provide more accurate, consistent, and reliable arrival predictions in Transit, and every place our real-time information is available.
Get the Transit app:
What's Transit?
Transit helps to simplify the public transportation experience, by combining real-time arrivals, fare payment, multimodal trip planning, personalized service alerts, and much more, into a single, easy-to-use app.
Whether you need to buy and pay your Big Blue Bus fare, check the status of your favorite route, or get step-by-step directions to someplace new, Transit has you covered!

Tip: Check out Transit 101, a helpful guide on how to get around easier with Transit. Plus, watch this video to learn how to purchase and ride BBB with a mobile ticket: Pay Your Big Blue Bus Fare with Transit.
How else can I get real-time info?
Still not convinced you should download Transit? No worries! Here are four (4) more ways to get real-time information:
- Text Us: Text SMBBB and your 4-digit Stop ID (e.g. SMBBB 1234) to 41411. We'll text you back right away with upcoming arrival times.
- Call Us: Dial (310) 451-5444, then press 1. When prompted, enter your 4-digit Stop ID to hear upcoming arrival times.
- Real-Time Signs: Look for our digital real-time signs at select bus stops.
- Online: Select your route, direction, and stop location below to get real-time arrivals from our friends at Swiftly.