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Rider Info

Welcome aboard! BBB takes pride in providing quality of service.

Ever wondered if you can bring your bike, stroller or surfboard on the bus? Here are the answers to everything you need to know to make your ride a safe and enjoyable one. P.S. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for here, let us know.

Customer Policy

Customer Policy

Can I bring food, drinks, surfboards, or pets along? What about smoking or doing karaoke on board?

Riding Tips

Riding Tips

How do I ride Big Blue Bus?

Special Needs

Special Needs

What if I (or someone I’m riding with) is boarding with a mobility device? Has impaired hearing or vision?

Trip Planning

Trip Planning

What tools are available to help plan my trip on BBB?

Biking with BBB

Biking with BBB

Do all busses have bike racks? How do I use the rack?

Real-Time Info

Real Time Info

When is my bus going to arrive?

Riding BBB to School

BBB School

Are there youth fare discounts?

Riding BBB on School Field Trips

BBB Field Trips

How large can school groups be?